Friday, March 25, 2005

It's officially summer!, need to find a barbershop that's open on Good Friday to get my head shaved.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The End?

As things web-related go, I'm amazed that I've managed to update this blog a couple of times today. I used to be an early adapter--heck, back in the day, we used Mosaic and lynx to surf the WWW (and had to walk barefoot in the snow to school ...yadda-yadda). But this blogging thing...we'll see. So don't expect much, but wish for a lot.
the technicolor kalesa....okay, okay, it's the spare wheel for the technicolor kalesa
Don't ask. Suffice to say, it was a very confusing time for both kids and parents.
Quitting Time
working from home
this zen moment brought to you by the letter A
let me engage in some narcissm here

First Post!

Change is a constant.